• How much do the sessions cost?

    The cost of the initial consultation (parent only) with a Clinical Psychologist is $300 and runs for 90 min. All subsequent sessions with a Clinical Psychologist cost $280 for a 50 minute session. Medicare covers $131 of this session cost.

    The cost of the initial consultation (parent only) with a Registered Psychologist is $290 and runs for 90 min. All subsequent sessions with a Registered Psychologist cost $250 for a 50 minute session. Medicare covers $92.90 of this session cost.

    The cost of the initial consultation (parent only) with a Provisional Psychologist is $200 and runs for 90 min. All subsequent sessions with a Provisional Psychologist is $150 for a 50 minute session. Rebates do not apply for Provisional Psychologists.

    The cost of assessments and group programs vary. Prices also vary depending on the experience of the Psychologist. Please enquire for further information and refer to service fees under How We Treat Tab

    Does medicare cover the cost of the sessions?

    Nature & Nurture Child Psychologists are registered Medicare providers, If your child has a Mental Health Care Treatment Plan (MHCP), you will receive a Medicare rebate of $131.65 per session (for Clinical Psychologists) , $92.50 (for Registered Psychologists) for up to 10 individual sessions per calendar year. You will first need to obtain this Plan through your GP, Psychiatrist or a Paediatrician. Note: medicare covers 2 parent sessions as apart of this plan.

    There are no medicare rebates for Provisional Psychologists.

    Does private health care cover the cost of the sessions?

    It depends on your health care and cover. Check with your provider to check whether sessions would be covered.

    Do both parents have to attend?

    No both parents do not have to attend the session, however we will need consent from both parents.

    Nature & Nurture Child Psychologists require both parents to be involved in the case of divorced or separated families (unless stated otherwise in court orders). In cases such as these, it is recommended that only one parent attend the session, and the second parent attends a seperate session. In the event that one parent declines intervention then therapy will be ceased. This will be judged on a case by case basis in consultation with by your Psychologist.

    How many sessions are usually needed in order to see progress?

    This depends on the severity and the onset of the problem. If the problem has persisted for several years, then this usually involves long term treatment (6 months to 1 year). If the problem has only recently developed then this usually involves 6-10 sessions.

    Do you provide consultation to schools and preschools?

    Yes as well as supporting your child in the clinic setting we also provide consultation to teachers and educators on how best to support your child in the school setting. We also offer seminars and workshops to schools.

    Is there a cancellation policy?

    Yes, we require 24 hours in order to not incur a cancellation fee (this applies for weekends as well in the case of Monday appointments). The cancellation fee is the full cost of the session. Waiving a cancellation fee will be assessed on a case by case basis.

    Cancellation fees are enforced due to Psychologists busy schedules and slots can subsequently that can be offered to other children that require urgent help.

    Is all information confidential?

    All personal information gathered by the psychologist during the provision of the psychological service will remain confidential and secure except where:

    It is subpoenaed by a court, or failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at serious and imminent risk; or
    Your prior approval has been obtained to a) provide a written report to another professional or agency, eg. a GP or a lawyer; or b) discuss the material with another person, eg. a parent or employer; or if disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law.

    Do you provide consultation over the phone?

    Yes, we do provide phone consultations and this is now covered under medicare. Please enquire for further information.

    Are you a registered NDIS provider?

    We are not registered with the NDIS, however we do take on NDIS clients that are self-managed or agency managed.

    Can I move around between Psychologists during the course of treatment?

    We do not recommend moving between Psychologists, unless this is in the best interest of the family and that the clinician believes that are not capable of supporting with a problem. We usually recommend committing to the course of intervention with your allocated Psychologists and openly discuss concerns with your Psychologists as this arises, instead of switching Psychologists. Changing Psychologists does not allow continuity of care, and is also not in the best interest of the child who may be gaining familiarity with the therapist. On some occasions we recommend reallocation of clients to a new Psychologists but this is not first line.

    Does the service provide support for separated families or assessments for court proceedings?

    Nature & Nurture Child Psychologist does not provide any medico-legal services nor provide any consultation on legal matters. In the event that court proceedings are taking place, we reserve the right to decline any formal reports required by lawyers.

    Moreover, we do not take on families that are currently going through the courts or families going through divorce/ separation. In cases such as these we recommend seeking consultation with Relationships Australia or an alternative service.

    Do you hold waitlists for new clients?

    No. We currently do not have a waitlist. We book clients 3-4 months in advance and we consider this the waitlist as we move clients forward when spaces arise. If we cannot allocate appointments within this time frame then we will recommend other clinics.

    Do you specialise to treat certain disorders and are you accredited to be specialised in a certain area?

    Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists are ethically not allowed to be called “specialists” by the APS. Whilst many of our Psychologists have an interest area, we are all trained to be broad clinicians with experience and expertise in all areas of Child Psychology. We have exclusion criteria based off the limitations of our practice.

    It is important to note, that Psychologists who have an interest in PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) are not considered specialists nor subscribe to any strict protocols/ trainings to treat this condition and therefore any evidence to suggest this should be addressed with caution.

  • Get in touch

    Kindly fill in enquiry form if you want to find out more about Nature & Nurture Child Psychologists